‘Radio-Medicine‘ by GreenZone Hero. Every combat veteran has a story to tell, we want to hear it. Every combat veteran has unique capabilities, we want to utilize them. Every combat veteran has the ability to overcome disadvantages, we want to empower them. Every combat veteran has the power to heal, we want to educate others. All Music excerpts used by permission.
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
SOCRS129- JayR McIntyre- "Security Expert: Son of A Preacher Man"
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
JayR McIntrye, CEO~Rat Pack Worldwide Security (Son of a Preacher Man)
During his tenure in the United States Army, JayR McIntyre served in the 1st Infantry Division in Germany from 2002-2005 with his First Deployment to Tikrit, Iraq from 2004-2005 Operation Iraqi Freedom and Served in the 1st Calvary Division from 2005-2008 with his Second Deployment to Mosul, Iraq from 2006-2008 for 15 months. JayR also served in the 1st Armor Division from 2009-2011 with his third deployment to Mosul, Iraq 2010-2011 for 9 Months.
JayR has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Combat action Badge and Numerous Army Achievement medals. Air Assault Qualified. JayR Holds a B.S in Sports Medicine and an Associates in Sports Medicine and is a Graduated of The EBV UConn School of Business 2019. He also serves as the President of Student Veterans of America at Keiser University in Tampa Florida; He also is a Veteran Treatment Court Mentor in Tampa Florida.
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