‘Radio-Medicine‘ by GreenZone Hero. Every combat veteran has a story to tell, we want to hear it. Every combat veteran has unique capabilities, we want to utilize them. Every combat veteran has the ability to overcome disadvantages, we want to empower them. Every combat veteran has the power to heal, we want to educate others. All Music excerpts used by permission.

Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Todd Scattini spent 27 years of his life wearing the uniform of the United States Army. He's been an enlisted man, a combat arms officer, and a military diplomat ,and at the heart of it all is his indomitable "Cavalryman Spirit.
The Cav, as it is called, is a diverse, combined arms, military organization designed to be self-sustaining, flexible, and effective in combat. It is a special type of unit marked by a penchant for courage, decisiveness, speed, innovation and audacity in order to conduct reconnaissance and protection operations facilitating the mission of others. Historically, the cavalry helped the United States with its westward expansion during the infancy of our Nation. They provided protection for settlers heading West along the Oregon and Santa Fe trails departing from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Cavalry Cannabis is poised and capable to assume a similar role as the United States and the world embark on a path of discovery, not unlike those early American settlers, to unpack all of the medical benefits we believe are held within the cannabis plant.
Throughout history, in combat operations, when units were in distress, pinned down by enemy fire, surrounded and desperate, a message from the headquarters by messenger or by a crackling radio saying the Cavalry was on its way meant there was hope to be saved; hope for victory.
Today, many veterans and active duty military personnel feel trapped and desperate. The population from where Todd came, and the veteran population that he is now a part of, is facing an epic healthcare crisis marked by unacceptably high homelessness, unemployment, suicide, and opioid abuse and overdose rates. Todd believes cannabis presents a safe and effective method to address these issues.
To most, it is likely surprising that he would end up in this position as the CEO of a cannabis company. Todd truly believes he has created his dream job. He also believes his education at West Point was meant to prepare him to lead soldiers in combat and to inspire him to a lifetime of service to the Nation. Interestingly, the skills and lessons he learned at the Academy, as well as those as a Cavalryman and a military diplomat prepared him well for his mission in the medical cannabis industry. At West Point, they were always taught that their only limit to their imagination was themselves and that they had to think critically about complex issues and then develop creative solutions to apply to them. Todd believes there are few issues facing our country that are more complex than that of veteran suicide and our Nation’s opioid crisis. The two combined result in the death of nearly 12,000 veterans annually. Beyond that, opioid overdoses cost the lives of almost 70,000 American civilians last year. Cannabis can help reverse this situation. This is no longer an assumption. This is fact, and anyone who understands this would be irresponsible to ignore it and would be questionable as a leader.

Thursday Apr 11, 2019
SOCRS074- Stephen Colon- "Mister Knucklehead Himself on Freedom"
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019

Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Bennett is a former Reconnaissance Marine and US Army Infantryman. He holds a BA in Security Management and is a graduate of 2014 Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with disabilities (EBV) at Syracuse University. Bennett is the Co-Founder of Cigars & Sea Stories and is the Managing Editor of Change Your POV Podcast Network. He also works as a contributor and adviser to publications, companies and organizations. Bennett is a Certified Peer Support Specialist and has dedicated his life to helping veterans navigate the system and aid them in adding value to their communities.

Thursday Mar 21, 2019
SOCRS072- Darrell Hernandez- "Warrior Blood"
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019

Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Robert Patrick Lewis is a Special Forces combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan-turned author,
entrepreneur, MBA, marketing professional and investor. Robert served as an 18D (Special Forces Medic) and during his time in 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) he deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq twice and North Africa as well as multiple other training missions around the globe, with a final deployment to Afghanistan as a military contractor.
He left the Army with a Purple Heart for wounds received in Afghanistan, the Special Forces
tab, the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star, Army Commendation Medal, NATO non-article 5,
Iraq campaign ribbon with cluster, Afghanistan campaign ribbon and many other awards for his service.
After his time in uniform was over Robert set out to write about his experiences. He has three
published books including his non-fiction military memoir Love Me When I’m Gone: the true
story of life, love and loss for a Green Beret in Post-9/11 war and the first two books of his
fictional trilogy, The Pact and The Pact Book II: Battle Hymn of the Republic .
He has been featured on national programs such as Fox News, The Dennis Miller Show, The
Adam Carolla Show, The Herman Cain Show and writes frequent articles for Heroes Media
Robert has two children, two stepchildren and is engaged to the love of his life (and editor)
Natalie Pimentel. He writes from his homes in Los Angeles and Dallas.

Friday Mar 08, 2019
SOCRS070- Tim Chambers- "The Saluting Marine Never Forgets"
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
United States Marine Corps Veteran Tim Chambers learned hard work early in life, on his Grandfather's Christmas Tree and Strawberry Farm. He learned a serious work ethic and how important it was to always do your best. Tim was also the Silver Fox Mascot in High School. The enthusiasm he showed as a mascot made him a perfect fit for the Marine Corps. Though, Chambers never saw direct combat action (due to medical limitations), he did answer the call as a first responder at the Pentagon on 9/11, where he witnessed firsthand the brutality of terrorism. Tim cares greatly for the USA, and inspires people to not only honor those who went before on both the military and civilian side, but also to take a stand, make a difference, and add something to our Flag...to help make our Country better.

Thursday Feb 28, 2019
SOCRS069- Lane Belone- "Ignite Your Authentic Alpha"
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Lane Belone is a former US Army Special Forces (Green Beret) who has traveled to dozens of countries on 6 continents who now helps people achieve high performance and gain fulfillment in life through travel. He uses his experience to clear mental blocks and gain life-changing clarity in weeks, sometimes days. He creates breakthrough experiences abroad to create life-transformative change in his clients.
Lane grew up in Oklahoma and served in the military from 2005-2017, most of which as a Green Beret. During his service, he deployed to Iraq twice, Northern Africa and all over Europe. During his adult life, he has climbed mountains, survived the Arctic and many other physical feats.
Lane's philosophy is to live with authenticity and genuine curiosity in life. Experiment in life until you stumble across the most important moment of your life, meeting your true self for the first time. Lane uses travel and experience as a tool of transformation, along with his premier program, Ignite Your Authentic Alpha, where he helps his clients extract their greatness already within. By living authentically and becoming your best self, how could you not feel great? Allow travel to be the pivotal activity for growth.
Upon discharge from the military, Lane and his wife took a 3-month road trip across the United States visiting 37 states and even more cities. Then they moved to Panama to live as Vagabonds.

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Michael W. Hartford, MHA CAPT, USN (Retired)
Michael previously served on the senior executive team for Zeiders Enterprises, Inc. from November 2013 to November 2015. Zeiders, a Quality of Life Company, is an industry leader focusing on Military Family Readiness and Resilience Services. His portfolio included working in collaboration with the Navy 21st Century Sailor Office in support of having the “Most Mentally Prepared Service Members and Family in Department History”.
Mike served as Deputy Director, Reserve Component, Navy Medicine, at the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Falls Church, Virginia from October 2010 to September 2013. He retired as a Navy Captain culminating a military career spanning almost four decades. He also served as the Navy Senior Liaison Officer with the Department of Veterans Affairs while mobilized as a Care Manager with Navy Wounded Warrior/Safe Harbor from March 2007 to November 2009. Prior to being commissioned as a Navy Officer he served as a Non-Commissioned Officer in the Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard and Army National Guard from 1974-1986.
In addition to holding senior-level healthcare executive positions in the Department of Defense, he has held c-suite executive level positions in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Florida Department of Health (DOH). He also worked as a Program Director for Healogics, Inc., formerly Diversified Clinical Services, in providing a continuum of comprehensive wound care services at Wound Care Centers throughout the United States. His positions in the Florida DOH in Hillsborough County, Florida were Administrative Services Director, Financial Administrator and Health Center Administrator. His twenty-two (22) year VA career included assignments as Assistant and Acting Director/Chief Executive Officer in Long Beach, CA. and Associate Director/Chief Operating Officer in Loma Linda, CA. In 1999, while serving as Director/Chief Executive Officer at the VA Health Administration Center, Denver, CO, he was recalled to active duty to serve at the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery in Washington, D.C. as the Director for Navy Reserve Medical Programs.
He is Board Certified in Healthcare Management and a Fellow in the American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE). He is Past-President, ACHE Western Florida Chapter and received a White House appointment to serve on the Board of the Veterans Advisory Committee on Rehabilitation. He has also served as a Board Director for Help Hospitalized Veterans. Mike is a graduate of the 79th Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives and Leadership VA. He is a member of the Military Officers Association of America, American Legion, AMVETS, DAV, Loyal Order of the Moose, The Army and Navy Club, Association of the United States Navy and a life member of the Leadership VA Alumni Association.
Mike is a service-connected disabled military Veteran and has dedicated his life to serving other military Veterans, active duty service members and their families. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Management from Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, and a Master’s Degree in Health Administration from the University of Laverne, Laverne, CA. Military decorations include the President's Legion of Merit and Meritorious Service Medal (Gold Star).

Thursday Feb 14, 2019
SOCRS067- Anthony Maggert- "Cooking Up Stories with Chef Maddog"
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
You may know Anthony Maggert as the veteran and amputee who helped Colin Powell change his tire, then asked for a selfie. We know him as a passionate chef who takes a bus from D.C. to New York every weekend to pursue Culinary Arts career training — after 23 years of military service and two master’s degrees.
Tony joined the Army after high school at age 17, completing two tours in Afghanistan and three in Iraq, among other stations. “After 63 countries, you get a better appreciation for the world,” he says. “In Iraq, we linked up with a bunch of locals. They took great care of us, and we were having things like barbecued camel. I got to experience different cultures and their perspectives. Even being in New York, it’s nothing compared to when you go into somebody else’s country and they invite you to their table and you eat their cuisine. That’s just such an awesome experience.”
Tony contracted flesh-eating bacteria in Afghanistan in 2011 and lost his left leg in 2014 as a result. “The folks at Walter Reed [National Military Medical Center] do a phenomenal job,” he says. “You can figure out being an amputee, today. If you have a burning desire to continue to do things, you won’t let it stop you.”
And Tony doesn’t. He continued his service until June 2018 when he retired in a Virginia suburb of D.C. to stay near Walter Reed and enrolled at the Institute of Culinary Education in New York. “The only thing I knew was I had this burning desire to go to culinary school. I told my wife, if there’s anything that I have to do in life, before I kick the bucket, I have to do that,” Tony says. “I always felt like there was some sort of black magic when it comes to cooking. I think a lot of people think that and I’ve got to understand what this thing is that’s such a mystery.”
In his final module of the curriculum, Tony says he was a rock star at Thanksgiving and has washed more dishes than when he was in the military. “Chefs will tell you that any monkey can read a recipe and figure out how to cook, but once you really understand the techniques, you have this sort of eureka moment,” he says. “All of this makes sense, and I know how to put this together, and I understand the flavors. That’s so worth the tuition right there.”
Tony says learning how to fabricate a chicken properly was one of the most rewarding lessons, and smoked fried chicken is his latest signature dish. He shares experiments like lacto-fermentation and sous vide preparations on his Instagram account (@chef_maddog_maggert) and posts instructional videos (like “How to make a homemade smoker for less than $20”) on YouTube.
“When you’re going through the process of physical therapy, the doctor’s know how to talk to you about trivial things, but nobody ever tells you how to cook well for yourself,” Tony says. “You have a lot of people out there that have a lot of health issues, so I want to help to educate people on how to cook better for themselves, how to eat right and how to operate the kitchen.”
He doesn’t think of himself as handicapped and says working with one leg requires planning and figuring things out like everything else in life. Fortunately, fellow veterans and the nature of working in professional kitchens have eased the transition.
“Chefs like Carmine Arroyo, who was in the Army, are great teachers and they get it,” Tony says. “They understand that you come from this background where things are very structured and you have a certain degree of rigor, and when you go to culinary school, you fall back into the life that you were in previously. You just trade one uniform for another.”
As for his enthusiasm for culinary school after six months of taking a Vamos bus and staying in a hostel every weekend, Tony says, “I don’t think anything really excites me as much as cooking, being in the kitchen, being part of food, being part of that entire experience.” He most enjoys applying the techniques he’s learned to make beautiful meals for friends, though he has loftier goals following graduation.
“I want to write a cookbook called ‘Deconstructed Kitchen,’ reaching out to my peers that are amputees and getting them involved in cooking,” he says. Then of course, “be famous. I’ve got to get some good air time.”

Thursday Feb 07, 2019
SOCRS066- Nina Lorene Hermann "The Lost File Episode: Reflection in Baghdad"
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Nina was born and raised in Lawrence, Kansas, and can often be seen wearing KU gear. She graduated Cum Laude from The University of Tampa with a Bachelor of Science in Finance in 2000. She was also designated as a Distinguished Military Graduate (DMG) while being commissioned into the United States Army as a Second Lieutenant in the Finance Corps. She served in the U.S. Army as a Finance Officer from 2001 to 2008, serving in multiples capacities such as Detachment Executive Officer and Disbursing Officer for the 126th Finance Battalion in South Korea, Army Element Commander and Chief of Operations Division at the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) in Orlando, Deputy Comptroller for 5th Special Forces Group and Comptroller for the Iraqi Special Operations Forces while deployed in Iraq, and Financial Management Company Commander at Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) at Fort Bragg. After ending her term of service as a Captain, she was sought after to become a site lead and project manager for a Defense Contractor, where she opened a site in Alaska, set up operations and procedures, and hired and trained the staff to complete the mission. Additionally, she was responsible for the establishment, implementation and data migration of a central platform (Salesforce.com) for use by multiple offices.
Nina is passionate and driven to learn and help others heal. Physical pain was a significant part of her life since 2006 and following her time in Alaska, her journey to heal herself and help others do the same led her to become a Certified Rolfer, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist, Certified Yoga Teacher, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She also opened a healthy food truck, Thrive Street Eats, in attempt to provide the healing foods that she recommended and couldn’t find nearby. She recognized that her passion to heal others was a stronger personal passion, and therefore, she decided to pursue another passion of Real Estate as a career.
Nina's thoughts, talents and experience of successes and failures have all led her to where she is at this moment in her career. She is a proud Veteran and out to helps others whenever she can.