‘Radio-Medicine‘ by GreenZone Hero. Every combat veteran has a story to tell, we want to hear it. Every combat veteran has unique capabilities, we want to utilize them. Every combat veteran has the ability to overcome disadvantages, we want to empower them. Every combat veteran has the power to heal, we want to educate others. All Music excerpts used by permission.

Thursday Feb 15, 2018
SOC16- Ron DeSantis- "Duty Calls"
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Ron DeSantis is a native Floridian with blue collar roots who knows the value of hard work. He grew up in Dunedin, FL and worked his way through Yale University, where he graduated magna cum laude and was the captain of the varsity baseball team. He also graduated with honors from Harvard Law School.
While studying at Harvard he earned a commission as a JAG officer in the United States Navy. During his naval service, he deployed to Iraq during the 2007 troop surge as an advisor to a U.S. Navy SEAL commander in support of the SEAL mission in Iraq and also served at the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. His military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (meritorious service), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (gold star in lieu of second award), the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal. He is currently a Lieutenant Commander in the reserve component of the United States Navy.
Ron has also served as both a federal and military prosecutor, prosecuting a wide range of cases including child exploitation, theft of sensitive military property, corruption and child abuse.
Since joining Congress in 2013, Ron has been a leader on issues ranging from government accountability, fiscal responsibility, national security and the Constitution. He has helped spearhead efforts to investigate the misdeeds of the IRS, reform the VA, enact term limits, balance the budget and make members of Congress live under the same rules as everybody else. As the chairman of the National Security subcommittee and as a member of the foreign affairs committee, he is deeply engaged in developing policies to combat foreign threats, to support key allies and to fully equip and train our military.
Ron lives in Marineland, FL with his wife Casey, an Emmy award-winning television host, and their baby daughter Madison.

Friday Feb 09, 2018
SOC15-Kalen Marie-"Duty and War News"
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Kalen is an award-winning PR and Personal Branding Expert. When it comes to helping small businesses increase sales, Kalen is the real deal. Kalen has 15+ years of experience as a PR strategist, marketing and communications professional.
While serving 10 years in the Army Reserve, Kalen trained the Army’s top leadership of Colonels to 3-Star generals on the art of conducting a media interview.
As a consultant for V-Wise NATCON, she helped three women hone their pitch, and each took home one of the top four prizes, including the TOP prize for NavyRackPacks.
She has been featured as a spokesperson on NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox News as well as radio stations and web portals like USAAcommunities.com, PETCO.com and ArmyStrongStories.com.
She was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious leadership in Operation Iraqi Freedom as a Public Affairs Officer.

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
SOC14-Chris Vetzel- "Slivers of Light & Bombs"
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Chris is a former US Army infantryman that served with the 2nd Infantry Division from 2006-2009. He was wounded by an IED in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2007, and suffered a traumatic brain injury. He now works as a firearms instructor, gunsmith, and has been involved with public speaking events.

Thursday Jan 25, 2018
SOC13- "Dogs & War"- T. Craig "Mac" McManus
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
T. Craig "Mac" McManus was born and raised in North Carolina. Like many others, he went active duty shortly after 9/11. He had the privilege of going through Basic Training twice, the second time he went straight into the Army's new 18X program, Special Forces Assessment Selection course (SFAS). Upon graduation, he was assigned to 3rd Special Forces Group in the Spring of 2004. Three month later he was deployed to Afghanistan.
In the end, he spent a decade in the Regiment, nearly three years of that in Afghanistan. There, he had a few injuries and surgeries-two of his fingers were crushed in an up-armored door. He also responded and helped out with a structure fire incident that claimed the lives of three Marines and a MWD (Military Working Dog), His final assignment was as a dog handler.
Mac continues with the mission back home, boith as a private contractor and with a Florida-based veteran-focused charity, Operation Unsung Hero. He is nearing complete of his Bachelor's Degree as well.

Thursday Jan 11, 2018
SOC11 - Adam Ellerbe- "Invasion & CBDs"
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Adam enlisted in the military in 2000 with the Florida National Guard. After a year he transfered to active duty and was assigned to the 3rd Infantry division, Ft. Stewart GA. Reporting for duty to his first duty station just 3 weeks before 9-11. He served as a member of a Combat Laser Team (COLT).
Deployed to Kuwait in 2002 he was part of the initial invasion into Iraq, spearheading the division movement with the 2nd Briade Reconnasiance team. His unit was responsible for route reconnasaince and providing screen lines for mechanized units. On April 5-7 during the invasion odf Baghdad, Adam along with the BRT provided ressupply to Thunder run elements deep within Baghdad as part of the initial assualt to take key terrain. On April 7 2003 Adam was among the first soliders into Saddam's Palaces and subsequently into the Saddam's son's personal residence. His unit was relocated in Fallujah until redeployment in Sep 2003.
Adam returned to Iraq in 2005 as a member of 3-15 infantry serving as a company Fire support NCO in sadr city. Serving during OIF 1-3
After redeploymement from OIF 3, Adam was selected for Army Special Forces in 2006. He graduated from the Special Forces Qualification course in 2007 as a Special Forces Engineer (Green Beret)
Adam served with 3rd Special Forces Group on a ODA for multiple combat rotations into Southern Afghanistan. A qualified JTAC Adam was responsible for multiple disciplines within the team serving as a Fire Support Expert, Engineer, as Intelligence Sergeant (18F).
Adam has conducted over 100 Helo Assault force operations deep within enemy lines in Afghanistan as a combat adviser for 3rd Kandak Commando's. During a raid into Marjeh Afghanistan they obtained the largest seizure of opium in the world (Ref: DEA)
After leaving the military in 2012 after 12 years of service. He worked in the Defense industry for 2 years developing the first True tactical computing device. THis device was a computing system tactical integrated into to the soldier as a system enabling foot mobile digital communications, Adam personally hand delivered the first working Digital CAS solution to every major component of USSOCOM before leaving the industry due to combat related mental health issues.
Adam experienced severe PTSD and Post Concussion symptoms from his time in the military. Currently, Adam is launching a Hemp oil Therapy brand called CombatCBD (www.CombatCBD.com) to help people who suffer from Severe anxiety or stress related issues, he spends most of his time reviewing financial markets Trading mostly Futures and researching Cannabis treatments and related materials. He is a huge advocate of using Cannabidiol for treatment of PTSD and Concussion. In the 5 years since leaving military service he has experience the transition it takes for a combat Veteran to merge back into Civilian life.

Thursday Jan 04, 2018
SOC10 - Scott Huesing- "Echo In Ramadi"
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Scott A. Huesing is a retired United States Marine Corps Infantry Major with 24 years of honorable service, both enlisted and as a commissioned officer. During his career spanning 10 deployments he has conducted operations in over 60 countries worldwide. Throughout his numerous deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Horn of Africa he planned, led, and conducted hundreds of combat missions under some of the most austere and challenging conditions.
Scott is a published author since 2005. His upcoming book, Echo in Ramadi, is a 10-month snapshot in time that changed the face of operations on the battlefield; a captivating story of Echo Company, 2d Battalion, 4th Marines during the Second Battle of Ramadi in support of the Multi National Forces (MNF) Surge Strategy in 2006. His true-life account provides keen insights into what may be an unfamiliar world to readers, but very familiar to those, like Scott, who lived it and endured this historic fight. Echo in Ramadi was written to honor the sacrifices and spirit of his Marines and the families they supported - it is his tribute to them and his honor to tell this great story. Readers will feel the pain, emotion, laughter, intensity, and friction that Scott describes in unvarnished detail.
He has written numerous articles and scholarly pieces for The Marine Corps Gazette (Marine Corps Association) and Military Times (Sightline Media Group.) He has been a technical writer and author to U.S. Marine Corps doctrine shaping the future of training within the world’s most elite branch of service.
He is the creative author on writing the standard operating procedures (SOP) for Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs), America’s first response force, with The Lightning Press.
Scott is a formally trained instructor and public speaker with 25 years of experience teaching and connecting with his audiences, both in the military and private sector. He has spoken to audiences as large as 2,000 conveying his thoughts, intent, and goals to motivate, inspire, and empower. Scott’s natural, outgoing style allows him to humbly connect and translate his experiences to audiences.
With the willingness to share his unique story and experiences, Scott dedicates his time to travel to military bases, Veterans hospitals, corporate leadership conferences, Gold Star Mothers events, and a multitude of venues to read and publicize the story of his epic journey and struggles. He is continually sought out to provide Professional Military Education to active duty units to speak on leadership and his combat experiences - and the importance of writing about them.
Scott is the Executive Director for Save the Brave Foundation, a non-profit 501c3 that provides support and healing for Veterans dealing with Post Traumatic Stress through outreach programs - part of their mission is continually staying proactive to the needs of the Veterans they are honored to serve.

Thursday Dec 28, 2017
SOC9 - Emily Yates - "Ukuleles & Altering Perceptions"
Thursday Dec 28, 2017
Thursday Dec 28, 2017

Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
SOC8 - Justin Blazejewski - "Breathing & Chaos"
Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not say there, you must go beyond them." -Bruce Lee
I love to sweat because it helps me find that calm place inside of me. It gives me an escape from thoughts and gives me a physical outlet that feels good no matter how stressed I am in my life.
When I think of bringing the healing powers of yoga and meditation to veterans who live in the dark like I did, it lights me up knowing I can show them the light.
As a former United States Marine, Justin's passion for bringing the healing benefits of yoga to our military inspired him to create VETOGA, a non-profit aimed at bringing yoga and meditation to military veterans and their communities.

Thursday Dec 14, 2017
SOC7 - Josh Mantz- "Darker Souls & Recovery"
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
Josh Mantz is a professional speaker, author, and the founder of Darker Souls, LLC. A 2005
graduate of West Point, Mantz led a successful counterinsurgency operation in Baghdad until a
catastrophic sniper attack upended his Army career path in 2007. In the years since, Mantz has
leveraged his combined expertise in relationship-building to help people recover from
emotionally traumatic experiences. Mantz has been profiled in The New York Times, on CNN
and FOX News, and gave a TED Talk at TEDxSantoDomingo 2015. His upcoming book titled “The
Beauty of a Darker Soul” is expected to be published in late 2017. A native of Pennsylvania,
Mantz now makes his home in San Jose, CA. More information can be found on his website at

Thursday Dec 07, 2017
SOC6 - Mike Sweeney- "Warriors & Transition"
Thursday Dec 07, 2017
Thursday Dec 07, 2017
Col. Mike Sweeney entered the Marine Corps in 1986. Over his career, he has commanded at the Platoon, Company, Battalion, and Group levels which included command of Task Force Belleau Wood, Helmand Province Afghanistan from Jan 2011 – Jan 2012. He has served in a variety of staff and operational billets including J-3 Current Operation, U.S. European Command, Chief of Staff at Marine Corps Special Operations Command and Chief of Staff at Marine Forces Pacific. He is a graduate from the University of Central Florida (Engineering) and holds Masters Degrees in Business Administration, Systems Engineering, and International Strategic Studies. He retired from active duty on 31 March, 2017 and is currently involved with a number of organizations developing strategy. He stays engaged in helping veterans transition from active duty.