‘Radio-Medicine‘ by GreenZone Hero. Every combat veteran has a story to tell, we want to hear it. Every combat veteran has unique capabilities, we want to utilize them. Every combat veteran has the ability to overcome disadvantages, we want to empower them. Every combat veteran has the power to heal, we want to educate others. All Music excerpts used by permission.

Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
SOCR036- Carl Higbie- "An American Patriot on Freedom, Liberty & Responsibility"
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Former Navy Seal & former Presidential Appointee.
Carl believes his oath of service is to the Constitution, not to the government, and those obligations are to the ideals represented in that Constitution of freedom and liberty. The critical importance of that in a democracy can never be overestimated.
Carl Higbie was a Special Operator with SEAL Team Ten, Echo Platoon. He deployed twice in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has been a regular contributor on Fox News and CNN. Higbie ran for Connecticut's 4th Congressional District in 2014. He resides in Greenwich, CT.

Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
SOCR035- Bob Dvorchak- "Bedouin Bob On America & Combat"
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Robert J. Dvorchak worked as a journalist for nearly 50 years, including eight years as a New York City-based national writer for The Associated Press. In 1990, he was sent to Saudi Arabia to cover the military buildup leading up to Operation Desert Storm and served on a media combat pool assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division during its invasion of Iraq. A U.S. Army veteran who was drafted during the Vietnam Era, he has received numerous writing awards and is an honorary member of Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 325th Parachute Infantry Regiment. His father was a Navy veteran in World War II, and his oldest brother was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and two Purple Hearts as a member of the Air Cavalry Troop of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam.
A 1972 graduate of California (PA) University with a degree in English literature, he has covered such stories as the original outbreak of Legionnaires Disease in Philadelphia, the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, the earthquake in San Francisco that disrupted the 1989 World Series, the Jeffrey Dahmer serial killings, the first World Trade Center bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing, three Super Bowls, two Stanley Cup finals and two World Series.
He has also authored four books, including a Korean War history entitled Battle For Korea and Game Over about the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State.
Born in 1949 in Uniontown, Pa., he was inducted into the inaugural class of the Uniontown Area High School Hall of Fame in 2013. Currently an independent media consultant and public speaker who advocates on behalf of veterans, he has taught several courses at the University of Pittsburgh. A resident of the Pittsburgh suburb of Penn Hills, he is married with two daughters and five granddaughters.

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
SOCR034- David W. Peters- "With God...To Hell and Back"
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
David W. Peters served as an enlisted Marine and Army Chaplain, deploying to Baghdad, Iraq in 2005-2006. His experiences in Iraq and the founding of the EVF is told by NPR’s John Burnett.
His books, Death Letter: God, Sex, and War and Post-Traumatic God: How the Church Cares For People Who Have Been to Hell and Back, vividly describe his own path to healing after war, a path he regularly invites his fellow veterans to consider.
David blogs for the Huffington Post, Oxford University Press, and hosts two podcasts, the Dear Padre Podcast and a serial story, The Ermenfrid Penitential.
At present, David serves as the Prior of the Hospitallers of St. Martin, a Christian Community for veterans ministry, and the Associate Rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Austin, TX.
In 2017, David was named one of five Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) 2017 Fellows and he is using his grant to travel around the country offering healing services for veterans.
He enjoys long-distance running, walking, and bicycling around Austin, reading novels, and extra-dark chocolate. He is married to Sarah Bancroft and has three sons.

Thursday Jun 21, 2018
SOCR033- Scott "Jacko" Jackman- "FREEDOM & Whiskey's Wish"
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Scott "Jacko" Jackman served with the 8/9 Royal Australian Regiment. He deployed to both East Timor and Afghanistan where in 2012 he sustained an injury. In 2013, he was diagnosed with Major Depression, PTSD and debilitating back and neck injuries and was medically discharged from military service.
Soon after, Scott was deeply devasted after the death of his assistance dog "Whiskey". In an effort to support and assist in Scott's rehabilitation, close family and friends gave Scott the encouragement he needed knowing that he was more than able to help and support others through his experiences, knowledge and empathy.
Thus, was the birth of Whiskey's Wish. Its important Mission is to provide training and puppies for service dog training to veterans, first responders & correctional officers who suffer from PTSD and service-related injuries.

Thursday Jun 14, 2018
SOCR032- Major Lisa Belcastro Bass- "Task Force SASA-In Her Boots Program"
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Major (Retired) Lisa Belcastro Bass served in the Army from 1992-2012. She began her career as a 30 year old single parent of three at the rank of Private in the Judge Advocate Corps (JAG). She attended Officer Candidate School and was commissioned as Engineer Officer at her seventh year serving in the Army. As a grandmother, she attended Airborne School and became the first female Commander in the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. She served two 12 month tours in Iraq. On her last deployment, she founded TF SASA- Task Force Sisterhood Against Sexual Assault and developed the ‘In Her Boots’ program. Her last duty assignment was at Fort Hood, TX as Chief of Troop Construction. Upon retirement in 2012, Lisa quickly jumped into Entrepreneurship by continuing her construction company LR General Solutions that she started while still on active duty and incorporating TF SASA, LLC.
Lisa holds an Associate’s Degree in Drafting, a Bachelor’s Degree in Government from the University of Central Texas, and Master’s Degree in Public Policy and Administration from the University of Missouri, St. Louis. She also holds a Master’s Certificate for Commercial and Government Contracting from Villanova University. She is a graduate of the Entrepreneurs’ Bootcamp for Veteran’s with Disability (EBV) from Texas A&M and a graduate of the Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship (VWISE) in Jacksonville, FL in 2013. She won the ‘Best Social Venture Award” for TF SASA, LLC in the VWise and CITI Bank competition. She also is a graduated of the 9 month VWise and Capital One’s ‘Count Me In’ Program. Lisa has also supported her community as on the Board of Directors for the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce, and Co-chaired the Grand Prairie Economic Development Committee. She received the NOVA award from Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce for her work in the ‘In Her Boots’ program.

Thursday May 31, 2018
SOCR031- Pete Turner- "Building Trust in Hostility"
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
Pete Turner is a former US Army spy who's been on over 1000 combat patrols. His ability to survive meetings with warlords, Taliban leaders, Al Qaeda members, and criminals is a testament to his ability to gain the trust of, not only US commanders, but the enemy. Once Pete returned from combat, he focused his abilities on consulting companies on culture and building podcasts. His network of podcast hosts and shows reaches millions of listeners each week. Catch Pete's own shows the Break It Down Show and Popping the Bubbl.

Friday Apr 27, 2018
SOC030- Kat Kaelin- "Sisters-in-Arms"
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Kat is a ten-year Army veteran that served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. During her last tour she was assigned to Special Operations in support of the 75th Ranger Regiment and other Special Mission Units. She was assessed and selected to be a part of the Cultural Support Teams to support these units by questioning, clearing, and securing the female and adolescent populations during direct action missions. Unfortunately, among Kat’s team, Ashley White became the first CST and woman killed in combat. This incident raised concerns regarding women in combat, since the combat ban of women was still in effect until 2013. Kat’s team, and their ability to integrate among these units was a huge stepping stone to women being allowed to go to Ranger School and sign up for combat military occupational specialties.
Since separating from the military in 2015, Kat is a huge advocate for transitioning veterans and mental health among our vets. Having suffered from PTSD from sexual assault, Kat’s passions have changed and have led her to eventually becoming a licensed counselor to provide therapy for veterans with mental health disorders. She has contributed to Ashley’s War, People Magazine, and is featured in The Female Lead; a textbook highlighting 50 inspirational women that is being distributed among colleges and universities all over the world. She currently lives with her husband and three daughters, and is finishing her bachelor’s in psychology, getting ready to move onto her Master of Counseling this fall.

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
SOC029- Adam C. Martin- "Southern Rockin' in The Free World"
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Adam C. Martin is a U.S. Army combat veteran having served two back to back tours in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 and 2004. As a combat support Military Police Sergeant, his company’s mission was to provide escort security for supply convoys traveling throughout Iraq. Adam also has over 20 years of combined experience in the Criminal Justice system having worked as a correctional officer, law enforcement officer, instructor, and training coordinator.
After returning home from Iraq and struggling for years with PTSD, at the suggestion of a counselor, Adam borrowed a guitar and began to teach himself to play by watching YouTube videos. Playing guitar quickly became a form of therapy for him and after a while, he began to write and sing.
Today, as the founder and front man for the band Blackbird Anthem, Adam is on a mission to revive original southern rock music while giving back to the veteran community. Blackbird Anthem has released an EP, two singles, and a full length record. His song “Tonight We Ride”, was featured on the compilation album “Battle Cry: Songs of America’s Heroes” which charted in the top 25 of iTunes Rock albums the week of its release in March 2017. Their songs have appeared on numerous internet radio stations and the song “Come Kiss Me” was recently added to The Highway on Sirius XM Radio. His first full length record, Southern Ground, is now available on iTunes, Amazon, Google, and Spotify.
Adam’s gift for putting raw emotion into his lyrics and performances provide listeners and audiences alike with a glimpse of some of the struggles faced by our military both in combat and at home. Adam and Blackbird Anthem have performed across the United States at numerous venues, festivals, and veteran charity events.
Adam also wrote and recorded the theme song ‘sTay Strong’ for the Taylor Strong Project, an organization dedicated to honoring our nation’s military and first responders.

Friday Apr 13, 2018
SOC028- Michael T. Flynn (Lt. Gen. US ARMY, Retired)- "Family & Service"
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
General Flynn has served the nation for over three and a half decades, 33 of those years in the United States Army. His military service culminated as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as the nation’s highest serving military intelligence officer.
His military service also included intelligence, conventional forces, and special operations assignments in units such as the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division and the Nation’s top Special Operations Forces (SOF) including the Joint Special Operations Command leading the nation’s war against terrorism.
General Flynn served nearly five years in combat zones from Grenada to the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world.
After a tough fought 2016 presidential campaign, General Flynn’s other government service resulted in his selection and service as the nation’s 25th National Security Advisor to President Donald J. Trump.
General Flynn is the recipient of four bronze stars, and numerous other intelligence, military, and law enforcement awards and decorations.
He is married and has two sons and three grandchildren.

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
SOC027- Dan Dwyer- "Humble Leaders"
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Daniel Dwyer is a U.S. Army Veteran, who served over 22 years in Armor and Cavalry formations. Dan was awarded three Bronze Star Medals for his leadership actions during our Nation’s global war on terrorism.
After taking off the uniform, Dan served as a military strategist with the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he was one of the principal architects of “The Surge” plan in Iraq, as well as multiple other plans affecting the employment of national instruments of power. As a combat developer for joint mission command systems, Dan was instrumental in providing the warfighter unprecedented situational awareness on today’s battlefield.
As the founder of Vet2BizLife, LLC, Dan is dedicated to the boots to business advancement of veteran entrepreneurs. Through his coaching/consulting, speaking, writing, and podcasting, Dan works with both public and private organizations on matters related to performance improvement and leadership, organizational, and business acumen development across the full spectrum of strategic and operational work environments. Each week, on the Vet2BizLife Podcast, Dan interviews the most inspiring veteran entrepreneurs, sharing their stories, experiences, successes and challenges to improve the personal and business lives of others.
Dan is a graduate of both Indiana University and the University of Louisville, and currently resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado with his wife Michelle. They have two adult sons, Gavin and Grant, who are both serving proudly today in our Army.