‘Radio-Medicine‘ by GreenZone Hero. Every combat veteran has a story to tell, we want to hear it. Every combat veteran has unique capabilities, we want to utilize them. Every combat veteran has the ability to overcome disadvantages, we want to empower them. Every combat veteran has the power to heal, we want to educate others. All Music excerpts used by permission.

Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
My name is Kris Hager. I am a Gold Star Father. My son, SSG Joshua Ryan Hager, Army Ranger, was KIA on February 22nd 2007 in Iraq.
U.S. Army
RAMADI, IRAQ 02/22/2007
SSG Joshua R. Hager was killed in action Feb. 22, 2007. He was an Army Ranger and had served at the 6th RTB prior to transferring to Ft. Carson, CO for deployment. Josh loved being a soldier and was proud to serve his country.
Josh is survived by his wife Heather and son Bayley. Joshua’s mother Lois lives in Broomfield, CO and his father, Kris Hager, in Venice, FL. Joshua’s brother Aaron is in the USCG and is stationed in Miami, FL. Joshua now has a younger brother, Carson, who loves to say “Hi Joshie” as he looks at the portrait presented by Mr. Reagan.
Mrs. Jane Brown is his maternal grandmother and lives in MI. Mrs. Dorine Hager lives in Littleton, CO. Joshua’s grandfather, Zack Hager served in WWII as a glider pilot and passed away in April of 2008. They are laid to rest beside each other at Ft. Logan National Cemetery, Denver, CO.
At the End of the Row
When I’m asked for directions,
Where the visitor might go,
I say, “Through the main gate,
Past the brick building, very slow.”
On the right, just a bit,
A wood stair you will see,
It leads to the lake,
And a bench by a tree.
Directly across, to the left side of the way,
Park your car, and get out,
By the green and white sea.
The green is the grass, always mowed and trimmed,
And the white are the markers,
Too many, and him.
His spot is just there,
A few steps more,
He’s with the fallen heroes,
At the end of the row..
Kris Hager